

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.  When you repeat these statements often and start believing them, you can begin to make positive changes in your life. 

Daily affirmations are also known to help alleviate the effects of stress.  Studies have also shown that people who constantly bombard themselves with positive words have better health. 

Positive affirmations require regular practice to make long-term and lasting changes to the way you think and feel.

Aside from health, positive affirmations on a daily basis can improve your energy level and improves your emotional well-being – it is a well-established psychological theory.

To be successful in life you need to let go of any and all negative thoughts and images of yourself, and let new positive thoughts and images invade your subconscious mind.

Your conscious mind is only a small part of your overall brain power.  Using daily positive affirmations can help you to tap into your highly powerful subconscious mind-state to create a new reality for yourself.

Affirmations for Love

elf-sabotage comes directly from that simple lack of self-love. This is where self-love affirmations can become so important.

Affirmations help us to handle our negative feelings about ourselves. They help to increase self-reliance, help you take action with your life, and build self-confidence and self-esteem.

Affirmations for Abundance

Many abundance affirmations are specifically designed to harness the power of the law of attraction, to call prosperity, wealth, and financial gain into your life.

Money and wealth affirmations can help you break free from a negative downward spiral, by overcoming the dysfunctional and negative thoughts that wander around in your subconscious mind.

By constantly repeating positive affirmations, you are training your subconscious mind to believe what you are saying. This means your beliefs will change, resulting in the things that you want to manifest appearing right in front of you!

Affirmations for good health

The mind and the body are so well connected that the body often doesn’t know whether a phrase or image is real, dreamed, or imagined. So when your mind creates an image of success, your central nervous system and whole body will process that image as if it were real. Most of the time our actions are reflections of our mental pictures. So choosing the right words and thoughts can make or break your performance.


Affirmations using Nature

Nature connection has also been proven to reduce stress, increase cognitive functioning, reduce depression, enhance beneficial social interactions, contribute to feelings of happiness & contentment and promote mindfulness,

We are born out of nature, dependent on nature and we are nature. However so many of us  have increasingly become separated from the natural world.

Morning Affirmations

There is nothing like having a bad start to a day. It can completely ruin the way you think and feel, and it becomes harder and harder to turn your attitude back around. Productivity is thrown out of the window as you continue to focus on the fact that your morning didn’t start off the way you needed it to so that you could be successful.

But the power of your thoughts is greater than you think, and practicing daily affirmations each morning can help transform your entire life for the better.

Family Affirmations

There is nothing like having a bad start to a day. It can completely ruin the way you think and feel, and it becomes harder and harder to turn your attitude back around. Productivity is thrown out of the window as you continue to focus on the fact that your morning didn’t start off the way you needed it to so that you could be successful.

But the power of your thoughts is greater than you think, and practicing daily affirmations each morning can help transform your entire life for the better.

Happiness and inner peace Affirmations

Our lives are overwhelmed with stress and tension these days. In a constantly moving world, it’s important to take some time to find inner peace  and happiness. There’s a consciousness that can be tuned into when an individual looks inward and uses mantras to repeat positive affirmation that help focus the mind on calming, peaceful vibrations.

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